The book Prisons and Health in the Age of Mass Incarceration will be published on September 30 and is described by its publisher, Oxford University Press, as being “the first comprehensive and empirical book focused …
Criminal Justice
Mike Light’s Research on Criminal Justice Reform Featured in “The Washington Post”
Associate Professor Mike Light’s study demonstrating the decline of racial inequality in federal drug-crime sentencing was recently published in “Social Forces” and is highlighted in Charles Lane’s editorial column in “The Washington Post.” Lane writes, …
Opinion piece in Newsweek: John Eason States Need to Vaccinate the Prison Population
Eason, who wrote this article with 3 colleagues who also research criminal justice, points out how some of the counties in the U.S. that are most affected by COVID-19 are those where correctional facilities are …
Study by Michael Light Demonstrates Low Crime Rates among Undocumented Immigrants Compared to U.S. Citizens
Associate Professor Michael Light, and UW-Madison graduate student co-authors Jingying He and Jason Robey, had their research published in an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that compares crime rates between …
John Eason Interviewed on COVID-19 in Wisconsin Prisons
Wisconsin Public Radio presented a news story on the rate of COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin prisons on Thursday, September 3. John Eason, Associate Professor of Sociology and director of the University of Wisconsin Justice Lab, …
Reduction of Inmates at Dane County Jail Flattened the COVID-19 Curve
John Eason, Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the UW-Madison Justice Lab, has presented early results from a research project that suggest that efforts to reduce the jail population in the months of January, …
Money Bail System Treats Rich and Poor Differently
A guest column by Professor Emerita Pamela Oliver was published in the July 25 edition of the Wisconsin State Journal that describes how the money bail system unfairly affects decisions on guilt and punishment in our …
John Eason Receives NSF Funding for Research on COVID-19
Associate Professor John Eason has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to research the extent of the reciprocal relationship of infections and deaths from COVID-19 among prisoners, correctional staff and the larger …
John Eason Researching Mitigation of Spread of COVID-19 in Dane County Jail
On June 3 the Dane County Criminal Justice Council announced a new research partnership with John Eason, Associate Professor of Sociology, to determine the impact of jail population reduction on the incidence of COVID-19 in the …
Research by Pam Oliver on History of Protests against Police Brutality
Pam Oliver recently provided comment about current and historical protests against police brutality in an interview with Madison’s NBC 15 news. She is working on a research project analyzing how racism and black protests against …