Applied Population Laboratory (APL)
The Applied Population Laboratory (APL) is a group of research and outreach professionals in the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology. APL’s mission is to provide their clients with best demographic and economic data available.
Center for Demography and Ecology
A multi-disciplinary faculty research cooperative for social scientific demographic research.
Center for Demography of Health and Aging
CDHA’s mission is to create new links between social demography and biomedical and epidemiological research on aging by building a major research and training program in the demography of health and aging.
High Road Strategy Center
(Formerly known as COWS)
A research and policy center dedicated to improving economic performance and living standards in the state of Wisconsin and nationally.
Center for European Studies
Seeks to improve understanding of the EU as a complex, evolving governance system and international actor; enhance awareness of the growing importance and widening scope of EU-US relations, and promote intensified “people-to-people” links among EU an
Center for Financial Security
Housed in the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW), CFS is an intellectual hub for research and outreach across disciplines.
Havens Wright Center for Social Justice
Dedicated to promoting critical social thought throughout the social sciences and humanities.
Institute for Research on Poverty
A center for interdisciplinary research into the causes and consequences of poverty and social inequality in the United States.
Robert M. LaFollette School of Public Affairs
The Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin – Madison is a highly ranked program that offers domestic and international degrees in public management and policy analysis.
Social Science Computing Cooperative
Providing computer services for social science research at UW-Madison.
Social Science Research Services
Social Science Research Services (SSRS) serves social science researchers in the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
University of Wisconsin Survey Center
The mission of the Survey Center is to assist researchers by providing the highest quality survey research services.
Wisconsin Collective for Ethnographic Research (WISCER)
WISCER is a community for students and faculty devoted to investigating the social world through firsthand observation and interviews.