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General Department of Sociology Funds
Department of Sociology Annual Fund
Specifically designated funds to address key initiatives, the greatest needs and the most immediate areas seeking support within the Department of Sociology.
Robert M. and Taissa Hauser Fund
The present purpose of the fund, according to Bob and Tess’ own wishes, is to support graduate training and research in sociology. As the fund grows it may serve other purposes that would enhance the department’s sociological profile (e.g., a Hauser chair).
Sociology Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund
Designated to provide resources to nurture, honor, and celebrate the contributions of a rich diversity of students, faculty and staff who, through research, teaching, and service improve our collective humanity. Funds may be used to support efforts by the Department to enhance diversity and promote equity among faculty, staff and students.
Undergraduate Support
Andrea Michelle Sperka Undergraduate Sociology Fund
Alex and Demiana Hanna Pride Scholarship
Luvella and Alfred Reschke Undergraduate Scholarship
The Joann and Joe Elder Undergraduate Fund in Sociology
Graduate Support
Graduate Student Support Fund
This fund shall be used to financially support graduate students in the Department. Its original intention is to substantially increase our capacity to support graduate students going to conferences to present their work earlier in their graduate student career and with greater frequency.
Calvin L. Beale Endowment for Graduate Awards in Sociology
A fund in memory of Calvin Beale, an alumnus, UW collaborator and Senior Demographer at the Economic Research Service, USDA. This fund supports Sociology Graduate Students. This fund was established by the nieces and nephews of Calvin L. Beale who was a strong advocate of the University of Wisconsin – Madison and in particular its Sociology Department from which he received a masters degree in 1981. Mr. Beale was for many years the Senior Demographer at the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. His research focused on rural population trends, regional studies, and ethnic minorities. His family hopes that this endowment will perpetuate in some way the spirit of their uncle who fervently believed that understanding the people behind the statistics is the very essence of sociological research. This fund will be used to assist one or more graduate students each year.
Hankin Sociology Endowment Fund
This endowment fund was established to provide support for graduate students currently enrolled in the Department of Sociology. It is intended to honor a graduate student who has distinguished himself/herself among their peers.
John L. Gillin Fellowship in Sociology
A fund established in memory of John L. Gillin, a distinguished sociologist at the University of Wisconsin. This fund benefits generously supports graduate students studying Sociology.
Katherine DuPre Lumpkin Award in Sociology
A fund in memory of Katherine DuPre Lumpkin, alumna and Professor of Sociology at Wells College. This fund supports an award for the best graduate student dissertation in the Department of Sociology. Katherine Lumpkin received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1928. She had a career as a Professor of Sociology at Wells College with a focus on social justice and southern history. This Fund supports an award for the best graduate student dissertation in the Social Sciences in the Department of Sociology at UW-Madison.
Marwell Fund – Graduate Student Award
This fund was established by Gerald and Barbara E. Marwell, to support and recruit top Graduate Students in the Department of Sociology. Gerald and Barbara E. Marwell established the Marwell Fund to support graduate training and research in sociology. Gerald Marwell is Emeriti Professor from the Department of Sociology and Barbara is an alum from the School of Education, MS ’67, Guidance & Counseling and PhD ’75, Educational Psychology. The purpose is for supporting the recruitment of highly talented sociology and rural sociology graduate students by offering award supplements.
Professor Archie O. Haller Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Professor Archie O. Haller Memorial Scholarship Fund is used to support graduate students in the Departments of Sociology or Community and Environmental Sociology with a primary focus on research methods, including: research design, sampling techniques, clearly operationalized concepts, data analysis, table construction and graphic display of findings. This fund honors the memory of Professor Archie O. Haller, who earned his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1954 and returned to Madison as Professor of Sociology and Rural Sociology in 1965. He retired from Madison in 1994. Professor Haller contributed to work on status attainment early in his career, exploring the social psychological determinants of status attainment in what became known as the Wisconsin model of status attainment. Over the course of his career, he became increasingly engaged with work in Brazil, first by extending his work on social stratification to that context and later as a consultant to the Brazilian government on a variety of projects related to equity and social change.
Professor John DeLamater Fund
Endowed by Emeritus Professor John DeLamater, this award provides support for the research of graduate students currently enrolled in the Department of Sociology, and is intended to honor a graduate student who has distinguished himself/herself amongst their peers. Students with well-designed projects on original topics of significance to the field of Sociology and, when appropriate or applicable, those proposing research on topics within the areas of social psychology or human sexuality will be given preference.
Sewell Graduate Student Award
This fund established by William H. Sewell to provide flexible research support for outstanding graduate students in the Department of Sociology in an effort to attract top graduate students. William “Bill” Sewell was the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s second Chancellor and a renowned professor of sociology. He served as Chancellor during one of the most tumultuous times on campus from October 1967 to June 1968 when he stepped down. During his long and distinguished academic career at UW-Madison, Sewell served as Chair of the University Committee and the Departments of Rural Sociology and Sociology. He was the Vilas Research Professor of Sociology from 1964 until his retirement in 1980.
Named Professorships
Emma Welsch Conway-Bascom Professorship
Don A. Martindale-Bascom Professorship
William H. Sewell-Bascom Professorship
Faculty Support
To donate to these funds, complete the UW Foundation secure form and search the fund name in the Find Your Cause search box.
Harold Garfinkel Faculty Fellowship
Sharon Guten Enrichment Funds for Faculty Support
Other Department Funds
To donate to funds without a link, complete the UW Foundation secure form and search the fund name in the Find Your Cause search box.