Course Syllabi 700+

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Sociology 750 Research Design and Practice in Sociology

Soc 750 Research Design and Practice in Sociology – Ferree (Fall 2016)

Sociology 751 Survey Methods for Social Research

Soc 751 Survey Methods for Social Research – Dykema (Fall 2018)

Soc 751 Survey Methods for Social Research – Schaeffer (Fall 2016)

Sociology 752 Measurement and Questionnaires for Survey Research (Questionnaire Design)

Soc 752 Measurement and Questionnaires for Survey Research (Questionnaire Design) – Schaeffer (Fall 2017)

Sociology 752 Measurement and Questionnaires for Survey Research (Resources)

Soc 752 Measurement and Questionnaires for Survey Research (Resources) – Schaeffer (Fall 2017)

Sociology 756 Demographic Techniques-II

Soc 756 Demographic Techniques-II – Nobles (Spring 2019)

Sociology 773 Intermediate Sociological Theory

Sociology 773 Intermediate Sociological Theory – Emirbayer (Spring 2019)

Sociology 875 Special Topics: Professional Writing for Sociologists

Soc 875 Special Topics: Professional Writing for Sociologists – Light (Fall 2021)

Sociology 875 Special Topics: Masters Thesis Writing Workshop

Soc 875 Special Topics: Masters Thesis Writing Workshop – Grant (Fall 2019)

Sociology 875 Special Topics: Sociology of Citizenship

Soc 875 Special Topics: Sociology of Citizenship – Goldberg (Spring 2013)

Sociology 918 Comparative Sociology of Contemporary Capitalism

Soc 918 Comparative Sociology of Contemporary Capitalism – Freeland (Spring 2013)

Soc 918 Comparative Sociology of Contemporary Capitalism – Zeitlin (Fall 2007)

Sociology 919 Topics in Economic Sociology

Soc 919 Topics in Economic Sociology – Handel (Fall 2002)

Sociology 922 Researching Race: Current Questions and Controversies

Soc 922 Researching Race: Current Questions and Controversies – Fujimura (Fall 2016)

Sociology 923 Social Stratification

Soc 923 Social Stratification Soc 923 Social Stratification – Grodsky (Spring 2018)

Sociology of Labor Markets – Gangl (Spring 2010)

Sociology 924 Political Seminar

Sociology 924 Political Seminar – Rogers (Fall 2020)

Sociology 924 Political Seminar – Goldberg (Fall 2020)

Sociology 925 Sociology of Economic Change and Development Theory

Soc 925 Sociology of Economic Change and Development Theory – Conti (Spring 2019)

Sociology 940 Law and Contemporary Problems

Soc 940 Law and Contemporary Problems – Rogers (Fall 2018)

Sociology 942 States, International Organizations, and a Global Public Sphere

Soc 942 States, International Organizations, and a Global Public Sphere – Conti (Fall 2015)

Sociology 945 Urban Development

Soc 945 Seminar on Gender and Local Labor Markets – Tigges (Spring 2002)

Sociology 952 Mathematical and Statistical Applications in Sociology

Soc 952 Causal Peer Effects – Elwert (Fall 2018)

Soc 952 Mathematical and Statistical Applications in Sociology – Logan (Fall 2016)

Sociology 955 Qualitative Methods

Soc 955 Qualitative Methods – The Case Study – Eason (Fall 2020)

Sociology 971 Demography of Fertility, Families, and Households

Soc 971 Population and Society – Engelman (Fall 2020)

Soc 971 Graduate Seminar in Population and Society II – Engelman (Spring 2019)

Soc 971 Graduate Seminar in Population and Society (I) – Engelman (Fall 2018)

Soc 971 Demography of Fertility, Families, and Households – Carlson (Spring 2020)

Soc 971 Migration and Migrants – Gerber (Fall 2008)

Sociology 979 Seminar on Urban History

Soc 979 Seminar on Urban History – Vargas (Fall 2015)

Sociology 995 Research: Methodology Trainees

Soc 995 Research: Methodology Trainees (aka Demography Training Seminar) – Conwell (Fall 2020)

Soc/Econ 997 Demography Seminar "DemSem"

Soc/Econ 997 Demography Seminar “DemSem” – Curtis (Fall 2021)