In honor of his late advisor, Erik Olin Wright, graduate student Masoud Movahed wrote a commentary in “The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible” detailing Wright’s Real Utopias Project.
Faculty & Lecturers
Max Besbris Wins Distinguished Book Award
Assistant Professor Max Besbris’ book “Upsold” was selected by the Midwest Sociological Society for it’s Distinguished Book Award.
Lewis Friedland Retires after 30-Year Career
Affiliated Faculty Member Lewis Friedland, a widely respected sociologist of media and political sociology and valued affiliate of our department, retired from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication this past semester. Professor Friedland was …
Ted Gerber interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio
Professor Ted Gerber was the featured expert on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “The Morning Show” this week. He discussed the current tension in Ukraine and Russia and answered questions called in from the public. Gerber is …
COVID-19 and Infant Health Grant for Nobles and Elwert
The National Science Foundation funded Professors Jenna Nobles and Felix Elwert’s research “The Intergenerational Effects of COVID-19 on Inequality.” Collaborators include Florencia Torche, Professor of Sociology at Stanford University as Co-Principal Investigator, and Deirdre Lyell, …
Christine Schwartz’s Research on Household Income Inequality
Research by Christine Schwartz, Professor of Sociology, and her colleagues analyzed trends over the last 50 years in assortative mating, which is the tendency of people to marry those with similar jobs. They found that …
Wisconsin Book Festival to Feature “Education for Democracy”
Professor Chad Goldberg served as editor for the recently published book “Education for Democracy : Renewing the Wisconsin Idea” that will be discussed as part of the Madison Public Library’s Wisconsin Book Festival on October …
John Eason Named Urban Institute Equity Scholar
Associate Professor John Eason has been selected to be one of eight Equity Scholars at the Urban Institute. This two-year program provides opportunity for the scholars to deepen their own policy-oriented research on race, equity, …
Kelly Marie Ward Receives Award for Early Achievement in Social Science Research
The Carole Joffe and Stanley Henshaw Early Achievement in Social Science Research Award, given by the National Abortion Federation, honors an individual who has made exceptional contributions to generating abortion-related knowledge. Kelly researches how institutional …
Doug Maynard Awarded 2021 Garfinkel-Sacks Award for Distinguished Scholarship
Professor Emeritus Doug Maynard is the recipient of the 2021 Garfinkel-Sacks Award for Distinguished Scholarship in recognition of his distinguished lifetime career contributions to the fields of ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. The Ethnomethodology and Conversation …