The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) helps researchers understand aging in Wisconsin. Local news source recently published an article about the WLS. Read the full article here. The WLS is a long-term study of a …
Sociology MINDS@UW Senior Honors Thesis Repository
We have created an on-line repository for sociology senior honors theses at in the Minds@UW framework. Deposit of your thesis is optional, not required for your degree, but we think many students will want …
Frequently Asked Questions about Depositing your Sociology Thesis
Why would I want to deposit my thesis? Answer: Get credit for your work. Demonstrate to potential graduate programs or employers that you have completed a finished research project. Why might I be required to …
Submitting Your Sociology Thesis to MINDS@UW
These instructions are for people who wish to deposit their sociology master’s theses OR their sociology senior honors theses to the online repository at (Doctoral dissertations are deposited with ProQuest.) You may find it helpful …
Earmarking space: relationality, economic judgments and housing wealth.
Kristinn Már receives Dissertation of the Year Award
Congratulations to Kristinn Már (Ph.D. 2021) on his selection for the Katherine DuPre Lumpkin Dissertation of the Year award. Márs’ dissertation, “Democratic Challenges and Innovations,” was written under the supervision of Professor Chaeyoon Lim. Dr. …
Lindsay Cannon receives Scholarship for Women’s Health Research
Congratulations to graduate student Lindsay Cannon for being awarded the Deborah A. Hobbins Graduate Student Award in Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice from the Center for Research on Gender & Woman at the University of …
Alumna Lisa Wade to give Keynote Address
Lisa Wade (Ph.D. 2006) will give the Keynote Address “Teaching Sociology after 2020: Sociology in an Unsettled Time” as part of Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society’s “Planning to Teach Post-Pandemic.” The event is June …
Alum Dr. Torsheika Maddox Promoted to a New Role in Diversity Leadership at UW
Dr. Torsheika Maddox has advanced to become the inaugural Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Staff to the Interim Deputy Vice Chancellor for Diversity & Climate and Chief Diversity Officer in the Division of Diversity, …
Doug Maynard Awarded 2021 Garfinkel-Sacks Award for Distinguished Scholarship
Professor Emeritus Doug Maynard is the recipient of the 2021 Garfinkel-Sacks Award for Distinguished Scholarship in recognition of his distinguished lifetime career contributions to the fields of ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. The Ethnomethodology and Conversation …