Annaliese Grant Receives Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

photo of Annnaliese Grantof grantCongratulations to Annaliese Grant for being one of 24 graduate students awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDRIG) for her research project “A Multi-Method Approach to Family Media Use and Social Class.”  Grant will use the funds to help support the statistical analysis of nationally representative survey data, interviews, participant observation, time-use surveys of participants in low- and middle-income families, and discourse analysis to investigate: 1) how do low- and middle-income families use media, and how might the meaning they create out of media use vary by class?  2) how does the discourse around family media use get imbued with classed, gendered, and racialized meanings, and how does this inform how family members navigate daily life?

In 2020, the American Sociological Association (ASA) received a 4-year grant from the National Science Foundation to administer their DDRIG program.  Learn more about ASA’s inaugural cohort of grant recipients…..