Pape and Jeon Receive Awards from ASA Science Knowledge and Technology Section

Congratulations to Madeleine Pape, who is the 2019 winner of the ASA Science Knowledge and Technology section’s Hacker-Mullins Student Paper Award for her paper titled “Expertise, Epistemologies of the Body, and the Institutional Enactment of the Binary.”

Congratulations as well to June Jeon, who received a Hacker-Mullins graduate student paper honorale mention from the Science Knowledge and Technology section for his paper, “Invisibilizing Politics: Accepting and Legitimating Ignorance in Environmental Sciences” (forthcoming in Social Studies of Science).  This paper also was awarded a Brent-Marshall graduate student paper honorable mention from the Society for the Study of Social Problems division of Environment and Technology.

Head Shot of Madeleine PapeHead Shot of June Jeon


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