What career-relevant skills do sociology majors develop?

Sociology graduates report that the most valuable skills they gained from their sociology courses were the following: using computer resources to locate information, learning statistical software, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data and interpreting the results, developing evidence-based arguments, evaluating different research methods, writing clear reports, working with diverse groups, and identifying ethical issues in research.

The sociology curriculum also teaches students a variety of interpersonal skills, such as working in small groups, using leadership skills, and working with people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Surveys of employers in the private and public sector repeatedly show that the skills learned through the sociology curriculum are those that employers list as most desirable among new recruits.

Learn More about Sociology Major Skills:

Understand Social Dynamics, Contexts & Consequences

You learn to understand the structures of societies, institutions and organizations, understanding how these shape individuals’ choices, practices and life chances.  You take social context into account in decision making and strategy.

Global & Multicultural Competency

You understand social inequalities, group dynamics, and diverse perspectives, developing an awareness of traditional sterotypes.  You understand the ways events and processes in one country are linked to those in other countries.

Critical Thinking

You learn to define and analyze problems, identify factors that contribute to outcomes, and analyze the connections.

Research & Research Design

You know how to define a problem, design a study to find answers, identify strengths and weaknesses of methods and approaches, design surveys, conduct interviews and field work, report findings, and make recommendations.

Qualitative & Quantitative Data Analysis

You learn to code and analyze qualitative and quantitative data, utilizing appropriate tools and software, interpret results of data gathering, identify ethical issues, present data.

Written & Oral Communication

You have skills to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written communications and through oral communications.