Christine Schwartz
Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement and Emma Welsch Conway Bascom Professor of Sociology
Phone: (608) 262-5791
4462 Sewell Social Science
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Research Interest Statement:
My research interests fall at the intersection of family demography, stratification, and gender. Much of my work examines the causes and consequences of assortative mating to gain insight into the links between family change and inequality in the United States. Another line of research examines the consequences of the reversal of the gender gap in education for marriage patterns and marriage outcomes in the U.S. and other countries around the world. A new research project investigates mothers’ and fathers’ contributions to intergenerational mobility in the United States.
Departmental Areas of Interest:
Demography and Ecology, Family, Gender, Social Stratification
Soc 120 Marriage and the Family
Soc 360 Statistics for Sociologists I
Soc 365 Computing in Sociological Research
Soc 640 Sociology of the Family
Soc 674 Elementary Demographic Techniques
Soc 693 Practicum in Analysis and Research
Other Campus Affiliations
Institute for Research on Poverty
Center for Demography and Ecology
Center for Demography of Health and Aging
Selected Publications
Schwartz, Christine R., Rodrigo González-Velastín, and Anita Li. 2023. “Lifetime Years Married Held Steady for Men with a BA Degree Since 1960 but Dropped to Lowest Level Since 1880 for Men Without a BA.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(28) 2301983120.
Musick, Kelly, Pilar Gonalons-Pons, and Christine R. Schwartz. 2022. “Change and Variation in U.S. Couples’ Earnings Equality Following Parenthood.” Population and Development Review. 48(2):413-443.
Schwartz, Christine R., Yu Wang, and Robert D. Mare. 2021. “Opportunity and Change in Occupational Assortative Mating.” Social Science Research. 99:102600. PMC8387636.
Gonalons-Pons, Pilar, Christine R. Schwartz, Kelly Musick. 2021. “Changes in Couples’ Earnings Following Parenthood and Trends in Family Earnings Inequality.” Demography. 58(3):1093–1117.
Smock, Pamela J. and Christine R. Schwartz. 2020. “The Demography of Families: A Review of Patterns and Change.” Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):9-34. PMC7329188.
Van Bavel, Jan, Christine R. Schwartz, and Albert Esteve. 2018. “The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and its Consequences for Family Life.” Annual Review of Sociology 44:341-360.