Nicholas Pedriana
Position title: Senior Lecturer
Phone: (651) 235-5162
7105 Sewell Social Science
Ph.D., University of Iowa 2000
Departmental Areas of Interest:
Law and Society; Political Sociology; Social Movements and Collective Action; Qualitative Methods
Soc 134 The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Soc 210 Survey of Sociology
Soc 211 The Sociological Enterprise
Soc 475 Classical Sociological Theory
Selected Publications:
Pedriana, Nicholas. 2017. “Max Weber’s Sociology of Law and the Irrationality of Same-Sex Marriage Prohibitions in the U.S. Constitutional System.” Sociological Imagination 53(1): 10-28.
Pedriana, Nicholas and Robin Stryker. 2017. “From Legal Doctrine to Social Transformation? Comparing U.S. Voting Rights, Equal Employment, and Fair Housing Legislation.” American Journal of Sociology 123: 86-135.
Pedriana, Nicholas. 2009. “Intimate Equality: Legal Framing of Sodomy Laws by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Movement in the Lawrence v. Texas Case.” Pp. 52-75 in Queer Mobilizations: LGBT Activists Confront the Law, edited by Scott Barclay, Mary Bernstein, and Anna-Maria Marshall. NYU Press.
Pedriana, Nicholas. 2009. “Discrimination by Definition: The Historical and Legal Paths to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.” Yale Journal of Law and Feminism: 21: 1-17.
Pedriana, Nicholas and Amanda Abraham. 2006. “Now You See Them, Now You Don’t: The Legal Field and Newspaper Desegregation of Sex-Specific Help Wanted Ads 1965-75.” Law and Social Inquiry 31: 905-38.
Pedriana, Nicholas. 2006. “From Protective to Equal Treatment: Legal Framing Processes and Transformation of the Women’s Movement in the 1960s.” American Journal of Sociology 111:1718-61.
Pedriana, Nicholas. 2005. “Rational Choice, Increasing Returns, and Structural Context: A Strategy for Analytic Narrative in Historical Sociology. Sociological Methods and Research 33: 349-82.
Pedriana, Nicholas, and Robin Stryker. 2004 “The Strength of a Weak Agency: Enforcement of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Expansion of State Capacity 1965-71.” American Journal of Sociology 110: 709-60.