Anna Paretskaya

Position title: Lecturer


Phone: (608) 262-2921

8107 Sewell Social Sciences

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PhD, New School for Social Research, 2014

Departmental Areas of Interest:

General Social Theory, Comparative-Historical Sociology, Political Sociology, Culture


Soc 211 The Sociological Enterprise
Soc 475 Classical Sociological Theory
Soc 626 Social Movements

Selected Publications:

Paretskaya, Anna. 2017. “A Closed Society? Repression and Countermovement in Russia,” Trajectories: Newsletter of the ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology Section 29(1): 20–24

Paretskaya, Anna. 2015. “This Is What Democracy Sounds Like: Protest Performances of the Citizenship Movement in Wisconsin and Beyond.” Social Movement Studies 14(6): 635-650.

Paretskaya, Anna. 2010. “The Soviet Communist Party and the Other Spirit of Capitalism.” Sociological theory 28(4): 377-401.