Alberto Palloni

Position title: Senior Researcher at IGED-CSCI; Samuel Preston Professor of Sociology, Emeritus


Phone: (608) 262-2182

4329 Sewell Social Sciences

More Information
Curriculum Vitae
Headshot photo of Alberto Palloni

Research Interest Statement:

Alberto Palloni is conducting research in two areas. The first, is the formal modelling of adult health, disability and mortality effects of adverse early conditions (embryonic, in utero and shortly after birth). He develops macro and microsimulation models using inputs derived from empirical human and animal studies and uses these to formulate projections and forecasts of chronic illnesses, disability and mortality. The second set of research activities is aimed at generating an integrated framework to understand the future evolution of human longevity and the role played by various mechanisms of plastic adaptation that operate pre-pregnancy, pre- and post-implantation, and during early infancy. This requires integration of mechanisms associated with DNA mutations, epigenetic programming and reprogramming, and adjustments throughout the life course. Both areas of research involve empirical estimation using biomarkers from human and animal studies, formalization using stochastic processes and their translation into simpler multistate hazard models and, lastly, modelling of adult life course.


Ph.D., Sociology/Demography, University of Washington, 1977


Aging and the Life Course, Biodemograhy, Evolutionary Demography, Mathematical Population Models, Methods and Statistics.

Other Campus Affiliations:

Center for Demography and Ecology
Center for Demography of Health and Aging
Institute for Research on Poverty
Institute on Aging
Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences
Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies Program
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Population Health Sciences

Selected Publications:

Hauser, R.M. and A. Palloni. 2011. “Does intelligence affect longevity?” The Journal of Gerontology, Psychological Sciences Vol 66B, Supplement 1: i90-i101.

Palloni, A., C. Milesi, R. White, and A. Turner. 2009. “Early Childhood Health, Reproduction of Economic Inequalities and the Persistence of Health and Mortality Differentials.” Social Science Medicine 68:1574-1582.

Palloni, A. and L. Souza. 2013. “The fragility of the future and the tug of the past: Longevity in Latin American and the Caribbean.” Demographic Research 29(21): 543-578.

Palloni, A. and J.R. Thomas. 2013. “Estimation of Covariate Effects with Current Status Data and Differential Mortality.” Demography 50(2): 521-544.

Palloni, A. and H. Beltran Sanchez, 2015 “Demographic consequences of Barker frailty” in Dynamic Demographic Analysis, R. Schoen (editor). Springer A. Palloni and J. Yonker 2016 “Is the US mortality advantage at old ages vanishing? Population and Development Review, Vol 42(3):465-489

H. Beltran Sanchez, Palloni, A., F. Riosmena and R. Wong 2016, “SES Gradients among Mexicans in he US and in Mexico: A new twist to the Hispanic Paradox? Demography Vol 53(5):1555-1581

A. Palloni and H. Beltran-Sanchez 2017 “Discrete Barker frailty and warped older age mortality dynamics” Demography Vol 54(2):655-671

P. Herd, A. Palloni and F. Rey and J. Dowd, 2019 Social and population health sciences approaches to understand the human microbiome”.2019 Nature Human Behavior

K. Dill-McFarland-Dill, Z.Z. Tang, J.H. Kemis, R.L. Kerby, G. Chen, A. Palloni, T. Sorenson, F. Rey and P.Herd,2019, “Close social relationship correlate with human gut microbiota composition.” Nature Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-37298-9

A. Verhulst H. Beltran-Sanchez and A. Palloni, 2019 “Impact of delayed effects on human older age mortality” Demographic Research (forthcoming)