Pamela Oliver
Position title: Professor of Sociology, Emerita
Phone: (608) 262-6829
8143 Sewell Social Sciences
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BA, 1971, Sociology, Stanford
MA, 1972, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PhD, 1977, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Departmental Areas of Interest:
Political Sociology, Race and Ethnic Studies, Social Movements and Collective Behavior, Deviance, Law, and Social Control
Soc 181 Honors Introduction: The Sociological Imagination
Soc 220 Ethnic Movements in the US
Soc 357 Methods of Sociological Inquiry
Soc 913 Seminar in Social Change: Social Movements
Soc 924 Seminar in Political Sociology: Social Movements
Other Campus Affiliations:
Institute for Research on Poverty
Politics, Culture & Society
Selected Publications:
Oliver, Pamela E. “The Ethnic Dimensions in Social Movements.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly. Volume 22, Issue 4 (December 2017) pages 395-416
Oliver, Pamela E. 2011. “Data to Bring Justice: Addressing Disparities in the Criminal Justice System.” In Public Sociology: Research Action and Change, edited by Philip Nyden, Leslie Hossfelt, and Gwen Nyden. Pine Forge Press.
Oliver, Pamela E. 2009. “Talking About Racial Disparities in Imprisonment: A Reflection on Experiences in Wisconsin” Pp. 281-198 in Handbook of Public Sociology, edited by Vincent Jeffries. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.
Oliver, Pamela E. 2008. “Repression and Crime Control: Why Social Movements Scholars Should Pay Attention to Mass Incarceration as a Form of Repression.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 13: 1-2.
Oliver, Pamela E., and Daniel J. Myers. 2003. “The Coevolution of Social Movements.” Mobilization 8: 1-25.
Oliver, Pamela E., and Daniel J. Myers. 2003. “Networks, Diffusion, and Cycles of Collective Action.” In Social Movement Analysis: The Network Perspective, edited by Mario Diani and Doug McAdam. Oxford University Press.
Maney, Gregory M. and Pamela E. Oliver. 2001. “Finding Event Records: Timing, Searching, Sources.” Sociological Methods and Research, 29: 131-169.
Oliver, Pamela E. and Gerald Marwell. 2001. “Whatever Happened to Critical Mass Theory? A Retrospective and Assessment.” Sociological Theory, 19:292-311.
Oliver, Pamela E. and Hank Johnston. 2000. “What a Good Idea: Frames and Ideologies in Social Movements Research.” Mobilization: An International Journal, 5: 37-54.