Pamela Oliver

Position title: Professor of Sociology, Emerita


Phone: (608) 262-6829

8143 Sewell Social Sciences

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photo of Pamela Oliver


BA, 1971, Sociology, Stanford
MA, 1972, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PhD, 1977, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Departmental Areas of Interest:

Political Sociology, Race and Ethnic Studies, Social Movements and Collective Behavior, Deviance, Law, and Social Control


Soc 181 Honors Introduction: The Sociological Imagination
Soc 220 Ethnic Movements in the US
Soc 357 Methods of Sociological Inquiry
Soc 913 Seminar in Social Change: Social Movements
Soc 924 Seminar in Political Sociology: Social Movements

Other Campus Affiliations:

Institute for Research on Poverty
Politics, Culture & Society

Selected Publications:

Oliver, Pamela E. “The Ethnic Dimensions in Social Movements.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly. Volume 22, Issue 4 (December 2017) pages 395-416

Oliver, Pamela E. 2011. “Data to Bring Justice: Addressing Disparities in the Criminal Justice System.” In Public Sociology: Research Action and Change, edited by Philip Nyden, Leslie Hossfelt, and Gwen NydenPine Forge Press.

Oliver, Pamela E. 2009. “Talking About Racial Disparities in Imprisonment: A Reflection on Experiences in Wisconsin” Pp. 281-198 in Handbook of Public Sociology, edited by Vincent Jeffries. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.

Oliver, Pamela E. 2008. “Repression and Crime Control: Why Social Movements Scholars Should Pay Attention to Mass Incarceration as a Form of Repression.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 13: 1-2.

Oliver, Pamela E., and Daniel J. Myers. 2003. “The Coevolution of Social Movements.” Mobilization 8: 1-25.

Oliver, Pamela E., and Daniel J. Myers. 2003. “Networks, Diffusion, and Cycles of Collective Action.” In Social Movement Analysis: The Network Perspective, edited by Mario Diani and Doug McAdam. Oxford University Press.

Maney, Gregory M. and Pamela E. Oliver. 2001. “Finding Event Records: Timing, Searching, Sources.” Sociological Methods and Research, 29: 131-169.

Oliver, Pamela E. and Gerald Marwell. 2001. “Whatever Happened to Critical Mass Theory? A Retrospective and Assessment.” Sociological Theory, 19:292-311.

Oliver, Pamela E. and Hank Johnston. 2000. “What a Good Idea: Frames and Ideologies in Social Movements Research.” Mobilization: An International Journal, 5: 37-54.