Eunsil Oh
Position title: Assistant Professor of Sociology and Asian Languages and Cultures
8116B Sewell Social Science
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Research Interest Statement:
Oh conducts research on gender, work, and family in the context of East Asia. Using qualitative methods, she investigates cultural and structural foundations of work and family decision-making processes. Current projects include research that investigates the relationship between social change and gender norms in East Asia and the low fertility patterns in South Korea.
Ph.D., Sociology, Harvard University (2018)
Departmental Areas of Interest:
Gender; Family; Culture; Education; Social Stratification; Qualitative Methods
Sociology 904 Gender & Women’s Studies 904 : Feminist Theory and Practice
Sociology 984 Gender & Women’s Studies 720: Training Seminar in Gender Research
Sociology 138: Sociology of Gender
Sociology 496_Fall: Gender, Work, and Family in East Asia
Sociology 496_Spring: Social Change in Contemporary Korea
Other Campus Affiliations:
Center for Demography & Ecology
Selected Publications:
Oh, Eunsil. “Norms or Knowledge: Unpacking Views of Maternal Employment among the College Educated in South Korea.” Qualitative Sociology. Forthcoming
Mu, Zheng and Eunsil Oh. “Valuation of Domestic Work: Construction of Stay-at-Home Motherhood among Elite Chinese Migrants in Singapore.” Gender, Work & Organization. (2023).
Oh, Eunsil and Eunmi Mun. “Compensatory Work Devotion: How a Culture of Overwork Shapes Women’s Parental Leave in South Korea.” Gender & Society 36, no. 4 (2022): 552-577.
*2024 Article of the Year Award, Family Section, American Sociological Association.
Bueno, Xiana and Eunsil Oh. “How do Men Talk about Taking Leave? Fatherhood and Parental Leave Policies in South Korea, Spain and the U.S.” Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality (2022): 165 edited by Springer.
Oh, Eunsil. “The Strength of Information: Maternal Education and Childrearing in Urban Korea.” in Korean Families Yesterday and Today, edited by Park, Hyunjoon and Hyeyeong Woo. University of Michigan Press.(2020): 43-70.
Brinton, Mary C., and Eunsil Oh. “Babies, Work, or Both? Highly Educated Women’s Employment and Fertility in East Asia.” American Journal of Sociology. 125, no. 1 (2019): 105-140.
*Finalist for the 2020 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research
Oh, Eunsil. “Who Deserves to Work? How Women Develop Expectations of Childcare Support in Korea.” Gender & Society. 32, no. 4 (2018): 493-515.
*Graduate Student Award, RC28, International Sociological Association
*Graduate Student Award, Association of Korean Sociologists in America, ASA