James Montgomery

Position title: Professor of Sociology

Email: jmontgom@ssc.wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-7221

2436 Sewell Social Science

More Information
Curriculum Vitae
Head Shot of James Montgomery


Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989

Departmental Areas of Interest:

Economic Sociology, Religion, General Social Theory, Demography and Ecology, Social Psychology and Microsociology


Soc 375 Introduction to Mathematical Sociology
Soc 376 Mathematical Models of Social Systems
Soc 655 Microfoundations of Economic Sociology

Other Campus Affiliations:

Institute for Research on Poverty

Selected Publications:

Montgomery, James D. 2011. “The Population Dynamics of Black-White-Mulatto Racial Systems.” American Journal of Sociology117(1):46–89.

Montgomery, James D. 2010. “Intergenerational Cultural Transmission as an Evolutionary Game.” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics2(4):115–36.

Montgomery, James D. 2003. “A Formalization and Test of the Religious Economies Model.” American Sociological Review68(5):782.

Montgomery, James D. 1998. “Toward a Role‐Theoretic Conception of Embeddedness.” American Journal of Sociology104(1):92–125.

Montgomery, James D. 1992. “Job Search and Network Composition: Implications of the Strength-Of-Weak-Ties Hypothesis.” American Sociological Review57(5):586.

Montgomery, James D. 1991. “Social Networks and Labor-Market Outcomes: Toward an Economic Analysis,” American Economic Review, 81: 1408-18.