Leonie Henaut

Position title: Honorary Fellow

Email: leonie.henaut@sciences-po.fr

2440 Sewell Social Science

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Center for the Sociology of Organizations at SciencesPo
head shot of Leonie Henaut

Research Interest Statement:

Leonie Henaut’s research is in the sociology of work, occupations and organizations. She is an Associate Professor at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and has been a faculty member of the Center for the Sociology of Organizations at SciencesPo Paris since 2011. In her early work, she revisited some of the classical concepts of the sociology of professions (professionalization, professional dominance, segmentation) using a processual approach to study the changing ecology of museum occupations in France and the U.S. She then devoted several studies to the field of elderly care in France and the U.K., with a particular interest in the occupational dynamics triggered by organizational change, such as the move in care toward integrated services and multidisciplinary teamwork. Her current projects focus on the consequences of growing work complexity and flexibility on workers’ occupational identities and on the occupational structure more broadly.

Departmental Areas of Interest:

Organizational and Occupational Analysis, Qualitative Methods