Michal Engelman
Position title: Professor of Sociology, CDHA Director, WLS Director
Email: mengelman@ssc.wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-9856
4434 Sewell Social Science
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Research Interest Statement:
Engelman’s research combines perspectives from the social sciences and public health to examine the social determinants of health and longevity. She is particularly interested in how social stratification (by socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, nativity, and geography) manifests in health and mortality inequities. Engelman is the Director of the Center for Demography of Health & Aging, the Director of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study and the Director of the doctoral and postdoctoral training program in Population, Life Course, and Aging. Her current research projects include several NIH-supported studies exploring the impact of neighborhood disadvantage on accelerated epigenetic aging (REWARD) and linkages between early and midlife exposures and cognitive health in later life (ILIAD).
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Departmental Areas of Interest:
Aging and the Life Course, Demography and Ecology, Family, Medical Sociology, Methods and Statistics
Soc 575 Sociology of Aging and the Life Course
Soc 170 Population Problems
Soc 663 Population and Society: Population Economics
Soc 971 (Fall 2018) Graduate Seminar in Population and Society (I)
Soc 971 (Spring 2019) Graduate Seminar in Population and Society (II)
Other Campus Affiliations
Center for Demography and Ecology
Center for Demography of Health and Aging
Selected Publications
Engelman, M., Joo, W-t, Fletcher, J.M., Burden B.L. 2022. Health, Wealth, and Voting Trajectories in Later Life. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77 (4), 827-837.
Jackson, H and Engelman, M. 2022. Deaths, Disparities, and Cumulative (Dis)advantage: How Social Inequities Produce an Impairment Paradox in Later Life. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 77(2): 392-401.
Evans, L., Engelman, M., Mikulas, A. Malecki, K. 2021. How are Social Determinants of Health Integrated into Epigenetic Research? A Systematic Review. Social Science & Medicine 113738.
Engelman, M. and H. Jackson. 2019. Gradual Change, Homeostasis, or Punctuated Equilibrium? Reconsidering Patterns of Health in Later-Life. Demography 56(6), 2323-2347.
Engelman, M. and L.Z. Ye. (2019) The Immigrant Health Differential in the Context of Racial and Ethnic Disparities: The Case of Diabetes. Advances in Medical Sociology 19:147-171.
Engelman, Michal., Bert M. Kestenbaum, Megan Zuelsdorff, Neil Mehta, and Diane Lauderdale. 2017. “Work Disability among Native-Born and Foreign-Born Americans: On Origins, Health, and Social Safety Nets.”Demography. PMID5705426
Engelman, Michal., Christopher L Seplaki, and Ravi Varadhan. 2017. “A Quiescent Phase in Human Mortality? Exploring the Ages of Least Vulnerability” Demography 54(3): 1097-1118 PMID2839179.
Jackson, Heide., Michal Engelman, and Karen Bandeen-Roche. 2017. “Robust Respondents and Lost Limitations: The Implications of Nonrandom Missingness for the Estimation of Health Trajectories.” Journal of Aging and Health 2017/12/20: online first. PubMed Central ID 5984107.