Ermakoff, Ivan. 2024. “Revolutions and Law,” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 20.

Dempsey, S., Li, J., Witkovsky, B., Wang, Y., Friedland, L. A., Wagner, M. W., & Shah, D. V. (2024). Manufacturing January 6: How Republican County Parties Mobilized Anger to Promote #StopTheSteal. Politics & Society0(0).

Rauf, T., & Freese, J. (2024). Happiness Scholarship and Redistributive Preferences. Social Psychology Quarterly87(3), 227-248.

Walker Nelson Kahn. 2024. “Safe as Houses: Financialization, Foreclosure, and Precarious Homeownership in the United States.” American Sociological Review.

Michael T. Light, Laura Boisten, and Jungmyung Kim. 2023. “Did Immigrant Arrest Rates Change During the Trump Administration? Evidence From California and Texas.” Crime & Delinquency.

Florencia Torche & Jenna Nobles. 2023. “Vaccination, immunity, and the changing impact of COVID-19 on infant health.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ariela Schachter, John Kuk, Max Besbris, & Lydia Ho. 2023. “What’s in a name? Place misrepresentation and neighbourhood stigma in the online rental market.” Urban Studies.

Tamás Keller & Felix Elwert. 2023. “Feasible Peer Effects: Experimental Evidence for Deskmate Effects on Educational Achievement and Inequality.” Sociological Science.

Geoffrey T. Wodtke, Ugur Yildirim, David J. Harding, and Felix Elwert. 2023. “Are Neighborhood Effects Explained by Differences in School Quality?” American Journal of Sociology.

Felix Elwert, Tamás Keller, and Andreas Kotsadam. 2023. “Rearranging the Desk Chairs: A Large Randomized Field Experiment on the Effects of Close Contact on Interethnic Relations.” American Journal of Sociology.

Brienna Perelli-Harris, Jane Zavisca, Nataliia Levchuk, & Theodore P. Gerber. 2023. “Internal Displacement and Subjective Well-Being: The Case of Ukraine in 2018.” Social Forces.

Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Felix Elwert, Simen Markussen et al. 2023. “Effect of ADHD medication on risk of injuries: a preference-based instrumental variable analysis.” European Child Adolescent Psychiatry.

Wei Xu, Megan Agnew, Christina Kamis, Amy Schultz, Sarah Salas, Kristen Malecki, & Michal Engelman. 2023. “Constructing Residential Histories in a General Population-Based Representative Sample.” American Journal of Epidemiology.

Léonie Hénaut, Jennifer C. Lenab, & Fabien Accominotti. 2023. “Polyoccupationalism: Expertise Stretch and Status Stretch in the Postindustrial Era.” American Sociological Review.

Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Robin Bartram, & Max Besbris. 2023. “Housing Market Intermediaries” (book chapter). The Sociology of Housing: How Homes Shape Our Social Lives.

Tamkinat Rauf. 2023. “Differential sensitivity to adversity by income: Evidence from a study of Bereavement.” Social Science Research.

John N. Robinson, III, Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, & Max Besbris. 2023. “Racial Capitalism and Social Psychology: A Note for Future Research.” Social Psychology Quarterly.

Lawrence Wu & Nicholas Mark. 2023. “Is US Fertility now Below Replacement? Evidence from Period vs. Cohort Trends.” Population Research and Policy Review.

Tamkinat Rauf & Jeremy Freese. 2023. “Happiness Scholarship & Redistributive Preferences.” Social Psychology Quarterly.

Chad Alan Goldberg & Masoud Movahed. 2023. “The New Class and Right-Wing Populism: The Case of Wisconsin.” The Sociological Quarterly.

Dana Garbarski, Jennifer Dykema, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Cameron P Jones, Tiffany S. Neman, & Dorothy Farrar Edwards. 2023. “Factors Associated with Interviewers’ Evaluations of Respondents’ Performance in Telephone Interviews: Behavior, Response Quality Indicators, and Characteristics of Respondents and Interviewers.” Public Opinion Quarterly.

Jennifer Dykema, John Stevenson, Cameron P. Jones, & Brendan Day. 2023. “Guaranteed Incentives and Prize Drawings: Effects on Participation, Data Quality, and Costs in a Web Survey of College Students on Sensitive Topics.” Social Science Computer Review.

Tamkinat Rauf. 2023. “Mental Health Effects of Income over the Adult Life Course.” Socius.

Jason P. Robey, Michael Massoglia, & Michael T. Light. 2023. “A Generational Shift: Race and the Declining Lifetime Risk of Imprisonment.” Demography.

Michael T. Light, Jason P. Robey, & Jungmyung Kim. 2023. “Noncitizen Justice: The Criminal Case Processing of Non-US Citizens in Texas and California.” American Journal of Sociology.

Christine R. Schwartz, Rodrigo González- Velastín, & Anita Li. 2023. “Lifetime years married held steady for men with a BA degree since 1960 but dropped to lowest level since 1880 for men without a BA.” PNAS.

Dana Garbarski, Jennifer Dykema, Cameron P. Jones, Tiffany S. Neman, Nora Cate Schaeffer, & Dorothy Farrar Edwards. 2023. “Questioning Identity: How a Diverse Set of Respondents Answer Standard Questions About Ethnicity and Race.” Field Methods.

Max Besbris & Gary Alan Fine. 2023. “Planning as social practice: the formation and blockage of competitive futures in tournament chess, homebuying, and political organizing.Theory and Society.

Chloe Grace Hart. 2023. “Is There an Idealized Target of Sexual Harassment in the MeToo Era?Social Problems.

David C. Mallinson, Felix Elwert, & Deborah B. Ehrenthal. 2023. “Spillover Effects of Prenatal Care Coordination on Older Siblings Beyond the Mother-Infant Dyad.Medical Care, 61(4): p 206-215.

Tamás Keller, Jinho Kim, and Felix Elwert. 2023. “Peer effects on academic self-concept: a large randomized field experiment.European Sociological Review.

Katherine Jensen. 2023. “From the asylum official’s point of view: frames of perception and evaluation in refugee status determination.Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Theodore P. Gerber, Jane R. Zavisca, and Jia Wang. 2023. “Market and Nonmarket Pathways to Home Ownership and Social Stratification in Hybrid Housing Regimes: Evidence from Four Post-Soviet Countries.American Journal of Sociology, Volume 128, Number 3.

Águeda Ortega, Katherine Jensen, and Javier Auyero. 2023. “You Will Never Walk Alone: Ethnographic Training as Collective Endeavor.Teaching Sociology, Online First.

Graduate Student Publications


Sara R. Ronnkvist, Brian C. Thiede & Emma Barber. 2023. “Child fostering in a changing climate: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa.” Population and Environment. 

Garrett L. Grainger & Erin Gaede. 2023. “Making BIPOC Lives Matter: A Qualitative Analysis of Managerial Resistance to Racial Exclusions in US Homeless Systems.” Housing, Theory, & Society.

Grace Venechuk. 2023. “Peeking under the Hood of Job Stress: How Men and Women’s Stress Levels Vary by Typologies of Job Quality and Family Composition.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 

Mariétou H. Ouayogodé & Sarah S. Salas. 2023. “Experienced Racism and Discrimination and Psychological Distress amid Different Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Wisconsin.” Journal of Racial & Ethnic Health Disparities. 

Zhilan (Elle) Fang, Gabriel Liu, Liling Zhu, and Dong Dong. 2023. “Doing “gendered exit”: Work, care and the moral practices of disabled persons.” Gender, Work & Organization.

Anita Li. 2023. “Which Grandparents? Multigenerational Education Associations by Grandparent Gender and Paternal versus Maternal Side.” Socius.

Jaramillo Baanante, Miguel and Daniela Campos Ugaz. 2023. “Revisiting the stepping-stone hypothesis: Transitions from temporary to permanent contracts in Peru.” International Labour Review. 

Kristina Fullerton Rico. 2023. “Grieving in the “Golden Cage”: How Unauthorized Immigrants Contend with Death and Mourn from Afar.Social Problems.


Liu, Ruo-Fan. 2022. “Hybrid ethnography: Access, positioning, and data assemblyEthnography.

Grant, Annaliese. 2022. “Normal” childhood in the lives of financially struggling white daughters and mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family.

Paik, Leslie and Chiara Packard. (In press) “Broadening the Lens of Procedural Justice Beyond the Courtroom: A Case Study of Legal Financial Obligations in Juvenile Court.” Law & Social Inquiry.

Trongone, Sara G. 2022. “A new collective bargain? A Multicase comparison of U.S. labor union strategy.” Mobilzation: An International Quarterly, 27(2): 149-168.

Daniela Campos Ugaz. 2022. “Time precarity at work: nonstandard forms of employment and everyday life.Social Indicators Research, Vol. 164, pg. 969-991.

Raymo, James M. and Jia Wang. 2022. “Loneliness at Older Ages in the U.S.: Lonely Life Expectancy and the Role of Loneliness in Health Disparities.” Demography 59(3): 921-947.

Wright KQ. 2022. “It changed the atmosphere surrounding the baby I did have”: Talking gender inequality in reproduction during the COVID-19 pandemic using heteronormative, affective, and medical schemasJournal of Marriage & Family. 84(4), 1105-1128


Jordan A. Conwell, Lefia Zi Ye. 2021. “All wealth is not created equal: Race, parental net worth, and children’s achievement.The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Volume 7 (3), 101-121.

Linnea Evans, Michal Engelman, Alex Mikulas, Kristen Malecki. 2021. “How are social determinants of health integrated into epigenetic research? A systematic review.Social Science & Medicine, Volume 273.

Chloe Haimson. 2021. “Redemption Performance in Exoneration and Parole: Two Pathways Home.” Qualitative Sociology, 1-29.

Kang, Youbin. 2021. “The rise, demise and replacement of the Bangladesh experiment in transnational labour regulation.” International Labour Review.

Light, Michael T., Jingying He and Jason Robey. 2020. “Comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, lawful immigrants, and native-born U.S. citizens in Texas.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Qian He and Theodore P. Gerber. 2020. “Origin-Country Culture, Migration Sequencing, and Female Employment: Variations among Immigrant Women in the United States.” International Migration Review. 54(1):233-261.

Li, Yifei (Ph.D. 2016) and Judith Shapiro. 2020. “China Goes Green:  Coercive Environmentalism for a Troubled Planet. Polity Press.

Matthews, Morgan. 2020. Women in State Political Parties. Contexts19(3), pp.68-70.

Higgins JA, Kelsey Q. Wright,  David Turok and Jessica Sanders. 2020. “Beyond safety and efficacy: sexuality-related priorities and their associations with contraceptive method selection.Contracept X. Aug 19;2:100038. PMCID: PMC7486436.

Kelsey Q. Wright. 2020. “Contraceptive selection and practice: Associations with self-identified race and socioeconomic disadvantage.” Social Science & Medicine,  266.


Foltman, Leah and Malia Jones. 2019. “How Redlining Continues to Shape Racial Segregation in Milwaukee”. WisContext, February 28.

Fujihara, Sho. and Fumaya Uchikoshi. 2019. “Declining Association with Persistent Gender Asymmetric Structure: Patterns and Trends in Educational Assortative Marriage in Japan. 1950-1979”. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 60: 66-77,

He, Qian, and Ted Gerber. 2019. “Origin-Country Culture, Migration Sequencing, and Female Employment: Variations among Immigrant Women in the United States.” International Migration Review.

Morgül, Kerem. 2019. “Performing Revolutionary Populism: The Revolutionary Path Movement in Turkey” Qualitative Sociology 42(2): 273-297.

Seltzer, Nathan. 2019. “Beyond the Great Recession: Labor Market Polarization and Ongoing Fertility Decline in the United States.” Demography, 1-31.

Sohn Leslie, Isaac, Jaclyn Wypler, and Michael Mayerfeld Bell. 2019. “Relational Agriculture: Gender, Sexuality, and Sustainability in U.S. Farming” Society & Natural Resources 32(8): 853-874

Sohn Leslie, Isaac. 2019. “Queer Farmland: Land Access Strategies for Small-Scale Agriculture” Society & Natural Resources 32(8): 928-946

Wypler, Jaclyn. 2019. “Lesbian and Queer Sustainable Farmer Networks in the Midwest” Society & Natural Resources 32(8): 947-964