Total credits required: 30 credits of graduate work in Sociology and/or Community & Environmental Sociology
- These 30 credits must include the four required courses listed below plus at least 9 credits from courses and seminars restricted to graduate students (typically these courses are numbered 700-984). All required courses must be taken for a regular (i.e., A-F) letter grade.
- The 30 credits may include no more than 9 credits numbered 985 and above (i.e., working group courses, independent reading courses, and thesis credits). These courses may be taken on an S/U basis.
Required courses for all students:
- Soc 700: Introductory Proseminar for Graduate Students
- Soc 361: Statistics for Sociologists II
- Soc 754: Qualitative Research Methods in Sociology
- Soc 773: Intermediate Classical Theory
Additional requirements for students affiliated with the Center for Demography & Ecology (CDE) or the Center for Demography of Health & Aging (CDHA):
- Soc 674 Demographic Techniques I
- Soc 756: Demographic Techniques II
Each semester, throughout the graduate program, CDE students must also enroll in:
- Soc 995: Research: Methodology Trainees
- Soc 997: Research: Demography & Ecology Trainees
During the summer, CDE/CDHA students with 12-month appointments as Fellows, RAs, or Trainees must enroll in Soc 997 for two credits.