Total credits required: 51
Required courses for all students:
- Soc 700: Introductory Proseminar for Graduate Students
- Soc 361: Statistics for Sociologists II
- Soc 362: Statistics for Sociologists III
- Soc 750: Research Methods in Sociology
- Soc 754: Qualitative Research Methods in Sociology
- Soc 773: Intermediate Classical Theory
- Four 3-credit seminars in Sociology taught by Sociology or Community & Environmental Soc faculty
(These courses may or may not be labeled “Seminar,” but they’re typically numbered between 900 and 979; working
group courses—i.e., those numbered between 980 and 995—don’t count toward the seminar requirement. Seminar
courses in which a student earns an S [satisfactory] rather than a letter grade count toward the 51 required
credits but do not fulfill the seminar requirement.)
Additional courses required for students affiliated with the Center for Demography & Ecology (CDE) OR the Center for Demography of Health & Aging (CDHA):
- Soc 674: Demographic Techniques I
- Soc 756: Demographic Techniques II
The four seminars in Sociology or Community & Environmental Sociology required of all doctoral students must include:
- Soc 971: Seminar in Population & Society I
- Soc 971: Any special topic in demography
Each semester, throughout the graduate program, CDE/CDHA students also enroll in:
- Soc 995: Research: Methodology Trainees
- Soc 997: Research: Demography & Ecology Trainees
During the summer, CDE/CDHA students with 12-month appointments as Fellows, RAs, or Trainees enroll in either Soc 997 for two credits (if they’re not yet dissertators) or Soc 990 for one credit and Soc 997 for two credits (if they have dissertator status).
Minor requirement:
- Option A, external: a minimum of nine graduate credits in one department or program (either single disciplinary or multi-disciplinary) outside of both Sociology and Community & Environmental (C & E) Sociology.
- Option B, distributed: a minimum of nine graduate credits in two or more departments outside of both Sociology and C&E Sociology. The courses must be thematically unified and thus form a coherent topic. The nine credits for the Option B Minor may include one (but no more than one) course cross-listed with Sociology or C&E Sociology, but no courses may be taught by either Sociology or C&E Sociology professors.
- Option C, certificate: completion of a Graduate/Professional certificate in a program outside of Sociology and C&E Sociology. Certificate programs coordinate teaching and research among scholars active in interrelated disciplines, and they typically require 9-12 credits.