Commencement 2022

This year the Department of Sociology had 71 students receive their Bachelor’s degrees and eight candidates receive their Ph.Ds.  The ceremonies for the the doctoral candidates were held on Friday May 13 and the ceremony for the undergraduates was held on Saturday, May 14.  Congratulations to everyone who received a degree this spring! Your tenacity and drive are admirable.

The Ph.D. graduates and their dissertation titles are:

  • Michael Billeaux: The Rise and Fall of Militant Interracial Solidarity on the Milwaukee Waterfront, 1934-42
  • Chloe Haimson: Fear, Algorithms, and Re-Incarceration: Making it Home in the 21st Century
  • Won-tak Joo: Social and Family Lives during Later Life Transitions
  • Morgan Matthews: Gender Polarization: The Institutional and Discursive Roots of Gendered Partisanship in U.S. State Politics, 1975-2020
  • Kerem Morgul: Muslim Nationalism and Public Attitudes toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey
  • Jia Wang: Nonstandard Employment and Unequal Life Chances: Insights from Diverse Contexts
  • Kelsey Wright: Three Perspectives on Stratified Reproduction
  • Jienian Zhang: Hospice Education: An Ethnography of a Suburban High School in the Era of Racial Equity