The American Sociology Association (ASA) has webinars, podcasts and an on-line peer-reviewed library of teaching resources (TRAILS) that includes syllabi, class activities, assignments, lectures, and more.
- Naming Racisms: Identifying and Responding to Biological and Colorblind Racisms
- Ideas and Resources on Race, Police, & Justice
The ASA Family Section has an extensive reading list intended to acknowledge and center the contributions that Black scholars, Indigenous scholars, and other scholars of color have made to the sociology of family.
The ASA Political Sociology Section offers a resource list that provides information about books, book chapters, articles, podcasts and syllabi on racial inequality.
The ASA International Migration Section offers a resource guide compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein for white people to deepen their anti-racist work, a Google Sheet put together by educators to discuss and dismantle white supremacy in the classroom, a Google Drive compiled by Charles Preston, filled with books and other important work by Black activities and readings on a range of topics related to Black history and activism, and a Google document for scaffolding anti-racism resources.
SAGE offers a webpage on teaching resources and a webinar that discusses how to approach the topic of race with students.
Other Resources
Videos for teaching race/ethnicity in the sociology classroom from Sociological Cinema.
Teaching resources on racism and racial identity from the Zinn Education Project.
Ferguson syllabus by Sociologists for Justice
Wisconsin Racial Disparities Project
Emerita Professor of Sociology, Pam Oliver, reports on research that examines public data to compare imprisonment and arrest rates for different racial groups, separating these rates by type of crime. The project has done some analyses comparing US states to each other, and have done a detailed county-level analysis of Wisconsin.
Website sponsored by the Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee of University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Sociology Graduate Program, with additional support from the High Road Strategy Center (formerly COWS) and a Graduate School Professional Development Grant, in order to better support instructors grappling with the topics of race and racism in the college classroom.
Rapid Response Teaching Resources
Materials to facilitate teaching about current events and disparities in criminal justice.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) offers methodology courses on race, ethnicity, diversity and equity.