Research Grants

Faculty Grants Funding Research on Race, Justice, and Inequality

2020-22  “Undocumented Immigration, Crime, and Recidivism: Evidence from Texas.” National Institute of Justice. (PI: Michael T. Light) $396,194. (Award 2019-R2-CX-0058)

2019-21  “Immigration, Legal Status, and Criminal Adjudication in State Courts.” National Science Foundation Law and Social Sciences Program Grant. (PI: Michael T. Light) $315,558. (SES Award # 1849297)

2019-21 “Generating High-Quality Verifiable Relational Data About News Coverage of Social Movement Events.” National Science Foundation Sociology Program Grant. (PIs: Pamela Oliver and Chaeyoon Lim) $ $383,999. (SES Award # 1918342).

2018-20 Improving Outcomes for Incarcerated Parents and their Children through Enhanced Jail Visits. University of Wisconsin-Madison UW2020. (Poehlmann-Tynan, J., & Massoglia, M., PIs. Kerr, M., Charles, P., Holden, K., & Sager, L.) $350,000

historical photo of race riots