NextGenPop is a new NICHD-funded undergraduate program (R25 HD105602) in population research that aims to increase the diversity of the population field and nurture the next generation of population scientists. The program offers undergraduates an …
Month: May 2022
Mosi Ifatunji earns Jackson Emerging Scholars Award
Assistant Professor Mosi Ifatunji was named the inaugural recipient of the James S. Jackson Emerging Scholar Award by the Program for Research on Black Americans at the Institute for Social Research at the University of …
Ted Gerber quoted in USA Today
Professor Ted Gerber is an internationally recognized expert on issues relating to Russia and Eastern Europe and with recent newsworthy events in Ukraine, his expertise and knowledge has been more sought-after than ever by the …
Mustafa Emirbayer named John Dewey Professor of Sociology and Social Thought
Professor Mustafa Emirbayer was honored with a WARF Named Professorship, the John Dewey Professor of Sociology and Social Thought. Mustafa’s career was influenced most deeply by the philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey. WARF …
Jen Dykema Survey Research Project Receives Funding
Associate Professor Jen Dykema has received funding for a two-year research project award from the UW-Madison Research Forward initiative for the project Measuring the Pulse of Wisconsin: A Feasibility Study to Develop an Online Research …
PhD alum Ewoodzie finalist for prestigious C. Wright Mills award
Joseph C. Ewoodzie, PhD 2015, is a finalist for the C. Wright Mills award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), one of the most prestigious book awards in sociology. This award …
New Members Join Board of Visitors
Phil Chavez UW Soc Connection: BA 1994 What he’s doing now: I am currently serving my fourth consecutive 4-year elected term as a City of Milwaukee Municipal Judge and also serve as a member on …
Commencement 2022
This year the Department of Sociology had 71 students receive their Bachelor’s degrees and eight candidates receive their Ph.Ds. The ceremonies for the the doctoral candidates were held on Friday May 13 and the ceremony …